Paolo has contributed 25+ years of strong leadership excellence, enabling enterprise innovation and creativity with recognition in the ISC2 APAC ISLA Awards, CIO Asia CIO 100, MIS Asia IT Excellence Awards, and CIO Academy Asia's INSPIRE SG50 CIO Book. He completed his Masters in CIO Practices (NUS) and B.Sc. Industrial Engineering (DLSU) with hands-on expertise in IT Leadership, IT Governance, Project Management, Cyber Security, BCP/DRP, IT Audit, SAP ERP, CRM and other enterprise solutions. He served the ISC2 Singapore Chapter in various Director roles including Vice President, Membership, Partnership and Volunteer Outreach. He was also a member of the Cloud Outage Incident Response (COIR) Singapore Standard Working Group. He loves working with the latest technologies to provide the most suitable solutions for the top local, regional and global companies.