Nathan Morelli is the Head of Cyber Security and IT Resilience at SA Power Networks. SA Power Networks is the state’s sole electricity distributor, building, maintaining, and upgrading the poles, wires and substations that deliver power to around 900,000 homes and businesses. As a member of the IT Leadership Team at SA Power Networks, he is responsible for leading the capability responsible for protecting the reliability and integrity of SA Power Networks systems through the delivery of the following; * A leading cyber security risk management capability * Resilient IT systems and supporting processes * A modern digital identity management capability As a successful cyber security professional, Nathan has worked across defence, consulting, private and public organisations. Prior to SA Power Networks, Nathan held management roles within Naval Group Australia, the Adelaide JCSC and the SA Department for Education. Nathan has experience in leading large and small cyber security teams, delivering to strategic goals, with measurable cyber security outcomes. Nathan plays an active role in the growth of the cyber security community in South Australia, through a recent role as the Adelaide branch chair for the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) and as a current member of the Privacy Committee of South Australia.